NME - Nefarious Masters of Espionage THE N.M.E.
(N.efarious M.asters of E.spionage) TRAINING MANUAL

Section 6.7: Securing captives, part two

In some situations, extreme prejudice is either not warranted, not sanctioned, or not desirable for completion of a mission. If information is to be secured from a hostage, it is not advisable to render her unconscious as described in Section 6.6. A captive to be used as bait in a trap is also generally more effective (and allows for an advantageous distraction) when secured while conscious.

There are four basic steps required in securing captives:

Get Captive Under Control.  copyright bondage-babylon.com1) Getting the captive under control

This can usually be attained in one of two ways. The first is to establish superiority by means of a threat. This can be accomplished with either with a weapon, or by coercing compliance with, for example, the threat of harm to another captive. The second is by physically overpowering your captive, which is generally more easily accomplished if you have the element of surprise (see the Stealth Techniques described in Section 5.7)

Restrain Captive With Handcuffs.  copyright bondage-babylon.com2) Restraining your captive

Generally, you will be well-equipped for your mission. However, some assignments will necessitate spontaneous improvisation. Locking restraints are normally very effective, although many law-enforcement agents are trained in picking locks. Hinged handcuffs are the preferred restraint, although, if properly executed, binding with rope or other similar items used for binding are equally effective.

Blindfold Captive.    copyright bondage-babylon.com2A) Optional:

You may also choose to blindfold your captive. This works especially well for making her more psychologically helpless. Women frequently find this to be erotic; and you may also amuse yourself by discreetly making faces at your prisoner.

Gag Captive.    copyright bondage-babylon.com3) Silencing your captive

Caution should be exercised in gagging your captive. The gag (no matter which type you choose to utilize) should be effective or it’s pointless. However, the gag should not be too effective, or your captive is likely to choke to death, and hence lose her value as a hostage.

Guard Topless Bound And Gagged Captive.    copyright bondage-babylon.com4) Guard your captive

While we would encourage you to practice your restraining techniques to perfect them, it is still very important that you make certain your captive does not get free. Government agents and some civilians with a lot of experience may unexpectedly prove to be better at freeing themselves than you might expect. If your hostage is attractive, watching her attempt to free herself may also prove to be a most pleasant bonus... particularly during longer missions.






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Thanks, Alexis!
Alexis Taylor

Thanks for the eagle graphic, Stablegirl!
Stablegirl's Lair